A native of Detroit, Michigan, Pastor Joseph B. Gordon accepted his call to ministry at the age of 15. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, holding a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Communications and a Masters of Divinity from the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. He continued his studies at the Institute of Church Administration and Management at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia. He has an earned Doctor of Ministry degree in Prophetic Preaching and Congregational Leadership from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH. Dr. Gordon’s commitment to excellence through education is directly attributable to his capabilities, not only as a preacher of the gospel, but also as a transformational teacher in practical instruction. He has a great love for the people of God, particularly those who are on the fringes of society. Dr. Gordon’s spiritual burden to bring lost souls to Christ and encourage spiritual maturation informs every facet of his ministry.
Pastor Joseph Gordon

He is blessed to be an invited preacher, teacher, and revivalist across the United States and was an inaugural presenter at the Styberg Preaching Institute. He also received the Styberg Award for excellence in homiletics as well as the 2011 Outstanding Minister Award from the Phillips School of Theology at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA, and a three time recipient of the Spirit of Detroit Award. Pastor Gordon served as an advisory board member for Brothers and Sisters United against HIV/AIDS (BASUAH) in Illinois. He is the current Chairman of the Joint Board of Finance of the Southeast MO, IL and WIS Region, and held the same position in the Michigan-Indiana Region. He also served on the Board of Directors for the Storehouse of Hope, a church and nonprofit collaborative in Detroit’s Northend neighborhood. His affiliations and experiences include: public relations aide for Congressman John Conyers, Jr., the NAACP (as a community-faith liaison), an appointed member of Mayor Dave Bing’s Detroit’s Community Faith Initiative, a delegate to the General Conference of the C.M.E. Church, the Conference of National Black Churches, a founding member of the Black Methodist Alliance of Detroit, immediate past president of the Detroit District Ministerial Alliance and an appointed member of the Pan-Methodist Commission, where he serves as Co-Chair of Evangelism and Missions. During his pastorate at St. John’s in Detroit, the Black Methodist Alliance (AME, AMEZ, CME), held the first annual BMA “One in the Spirit Revival” at St. John’s Church, the first of its kind in the nation.
Prior to Carter Temple, Dr. Gordon served as senior pastor in four assignments in the states of Illinois and Michigan. Under his leadership, there were increases in stewardship, membership and community involvement. But, more importantly, lives have been changed and souls have been won for the kingdom of God. His passions are preaching, teaching and working with civic and community leaders, health care issues and other concerns directly related to the African American experience and the urban church.