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                                        US AS WE CELEBRATE THIS YEAR OF R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y.


RENEWAL: Renewing our commitment to God, our facilities and our church.


EXCELLENCE: Improving the quality of how we “do church” and increasing the effectiveness of our laity and ministries.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Increasing the attention paid to how we minister to the children of our church and community.


OUTREACH: Evangelism, community outreach, and social justice are vital if we seek to be a Christ-centered ministry (Luke 4:18-19).


VISION: Keeping the vision and mission of our church in the forefronts of our minds as we plan and execute ministry and worship.


EDUCATION: Christian education and ongoing leadership training are the hallmarks of effective ministry.


RELATIONSHIPS: Bridging the generational gap, providing opportunities for family-centered ministry, and ensuring that a spirit of authenticity is present:

each are necessary for church growth and true fellowship.


YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT PROGRAMMING: Youth and young adults must be a vital part of our ministry endeavor.  We must be creative and prayerful in how we engage, nurture, and invest these segments of our church.


                                                 JOIN WITH US – WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU!

           CARTER TEMPLE

Carter Temple CME church was founded in 1921 in the home of a missionary, Mrs. M. C. (Lula) Wheeler. The Congregation quickly out grew this setting.  Thanks to the effort of Bishop R. A. Carter (for whom the church was named) we were able to move to our first church building at 4310 South Champlain with Rev. James Stout as the first Pastor.  Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Laws were the seventh in the line of pastors and their wives to serve Carter Temple and under their 14 years of leadership a building fund was established to relocated the congregation. Rev and Mrs. L. L. Barnes were assigned by Bishop J. Claude Allen to complete the dream of the new church edifice at 7841 South Wabash Ave. which was accomplished in 1965. It was not long before we became known throughout the community as “the friendly church on the corner of 79th”. Many Pastors have embraced the vision of this great church, and today our congregation number is over 4,800 members with two worship services and over 60 active ministries. Our Pastor, Ministers, Officers and Members are without a doubt that God has blessed us to be “The Miracle on 79th Street!” Our current Pastor continues to uphold the mission of our Church and Zion.





Service Times

Weekend Services

Sunday Worship

7:50am & 10:50am

Friday Worship

Every 4th Friday


Mid-Week Services

Wednesday Bible Study

12noon & 7pm

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Who We Are


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